Myopia Control in Riverview

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Navigating Myopia Control with You

Myopia (nearsightedness) is a common vision condition that can affect your child’s distance vision from a young age. 

While recognized solutions like glasses and contact lenses can help address the visual effects of myopia, they may not always address the root cause or slow down its progression. That’s where our myopia control services can help. 

We offer myopia control methods such as MiSight, ortho-k, atropine drops, and more. If you’re concerned about your child’s sight and long-term eye health, contact us to schedule an appointment to see how we can help today.

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Why Myopia Control Is Important

Myopia control is an area of eye care that uses various tools and treatments to prevent or slow myopia progression. Depending on your child’s specific needs, our team will be able to prescribe myopia management options such as:

  • Ortho-k contact lenses
  • MiSight contact lenses
  • Multifocal contacts
  • Low-dose atropine drops

We take the time to help you and your children understand myopia and how we can help manage it.

Do My Kids Need Myopia Control?

Some common signs and symptoms of myopia can include:

  • Blurry vision when looking at faraway objects
  • Headaches
  • Squinting to see distant objects
  • Eye strain

If you’re concerned about your child’s myopia and notice signs of it affecting them in school and in other aspects of their daily lives, we can help.

Myopia & the Classroom

When your kids have trouble with their sight, it can impact their daily life at school and cause challenges with reading from a distance, seeing the board, and participating in sports and other activities. This can lead to stress and confusion, and if left undiagnosed, it may cause them to fall behind their friends.

With professional care and treatment options for myopia, such as MiSight and ortho-k contact lenses, we can help your kids excel both inside and outside the classroom.

Corneal Topography for Myopia Management

Corneal topography is a noninvasive medical imaging technique for mapping the surface curvature of the cornea, the outer structure of the eye. This procedure can be crucial for determining the quality of a person’s vision and the health of their eyes, especially for individuals with myopia.

For myopia control, corneal topography can help our team get an accurate image of the cornea’s shape. This information helps us in diagnosing the degree of myopia affecting someone and planning appropriate treatment strategies. We can also monitor the progression of myopia over time. 

Corneal topography also helps us fit ortho-k contact lenses.

Our Myopia Control Solutions

We offer several different myopia control solutions at Optix Eye Care, including MiSight contact lenses, ortho-k contact lenses, soft multifocal contacts, and atropine eye drops.

Consistent eye exams are also a crucial part of myopia control, and they allow our team to stay updated on any changes in your child’s vision.

Ortho-K Contact Lenses

Orthokeratology, also known as ortho-k, uses rigid gas-permeable contact lenses that are worn overnight to mold a person’s cornea and help reduce their dependence on glasses and contact lenses throughout the day.

Ortho-k lenses can be a great option for children managing mild to moderate myopia. These lenses are designed to work by flattening the cornea, reducing the eye’s refractive power and slowing myopia progression.

Ortho-k lenses are custom-made for each individual’s specific eye shape and prescription, helping provide a comfortable fit and long-lasting benefits. Like all contact lenses, proper care and cleaning are crucial for maintaining good eye health and preventing infections.

MiSight 1 day lenses are soft contact lenses that can help manage myopia for children. These lenses use ActivControl technology to help correct and slow the progression of myopia in children aged 8–12 at the start of their treatment.

MiSight lenses help correct nearsightedness by reducing the eye’s refractive power and making it possible for light to focus correctly on the retina.

Soft multifocal contact lenses are designed with multiple zones of focus. The central zone provides clear vision, while the peripheral zones are tailored to alter the way light focuses on the retina, providing a stop signal for excessive eye growth, a key factor in myopia progression.

Low-dose atropine is a promising treatment method for children with myopia. Studies have shown that a low dose of atropine in eye drop form can help slow myopia progression in children to reduce the risk of severe nearsightedness.

Low-dose atropine drops can help by suppressing the eye’s growth to slow myopia progression. This treatment is typically prescribed as a daily drop, administered in the evening before bedtime.

Helping Your Children Control Myopia

Our team at Optix Eye Care is always looking for new ways to help you and your children enjoy clear, healthy vision for years to come. We love working with families, and the smiles on your kid’s faces when they can see clearly keep us going!

Don’t wait to address myopia—contact us to schedule an appointment today.

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Come See Us

You can find us just off Symmes Road—we are located in the Rivercrest Commons Shopping Center. Our team looks forward to welcoming you!

Our Address

  • 11422 S US Highway 301
  • Riverview, FL 33578

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Our Brands

Explore our wide range of frames and lenses when you visit our beautiful optical boutique. We feature brands like Gucci, Kate Spade, Michael Kors, Ray-Ban, and more. We also offer modern brands for contact lenses and a variety of different lens treatments for your glasses. 

Visit us today to explore the wide range of eyewear and contact lens options we have to offer.

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