About Our Practice in Riverview

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Your Home for Eye Care in Riverview

At Optix Eye Care, we are a family-owned business looking to make a difference in the community. We strive to provide a comprehensive experience for our patients every time they visit us. From dry eye treatment to myopia control for your little ones, we have you covered.

Your whole family is welcome at Optix Eye Care, and we look forward to being your destination for eye care for years to come.

Contact us to schedule an appointment today and experience what our passionate team has to offer.

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Our Commitment to You

At Optix Eye Care, our community is a big part of what we do. We pride ourselves on being a family-owned business, and we are committed to helping you achieve your vision goals. We serve patients of all ages with comprehensive eye care services, modern technology, and a passion for eye care.

Our goal is to continue our legacy of providing modern, compassionate eye care in the Riverview community, and we couldn’t do it without you.

Community Involvement

We truly believe everyone should be able to get the eye care they deserve. Our community involvement initiatives are an ongoing goal of our approach to making a difference at Optix Eye Care. 

Recently, we have partnered with the Lions Club to offer discounted eye exams for patients who are members of the Lions Club. 

We are also sponsoring a school football program and are always looking for new ways to give back to the community. Check in with our team to see what else we have going on in the community!

Meet Our Doctors


Cathrine Farah, O.D.



Rawan Farah, O.D.


Come See Us

You can find us just off Symmes Road—we are located in the Rivercrest Commons Shopping Center. Our team looks forward to welcoming you!

Our Address

  • 11422 S US Highway 301
  • Riverview, FL 33578

Contact Information

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Our Brands

Explore our wide range of frames and lenses when you visit our beautiful optical boutique. We feature brands like Gucci, Kate Spade, Michael Kors, Ray-Ban, and more. We also offer modern brands for contact lenses and a variety of different lens treatments for your glasses. 

Visit us today to explore the wide range of eyewear and contact lens options we have to offer.

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